Shakespeare Insults Dictionary beginning with the letter O!

William Shakespeare

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Shakespeare Insults Dictionary beginning with the letter O

Shakespeare Insults Dictionary
Dictionary of Insults - Shakespeare Phrases - Shakespeare Plays


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O base hungarian wight (The Merry Wives of Windsor)
O curse of marraige, that we can call these delicate creatures ours, and not their appetites (Othello)
O disloyal thing, that shouldst repair my youth, thou heap'st a years age on me (Cymbeline)
O most insatiate and luxurious woman (Titus Andronicus)
O slave, of no more trust than love that's hir'd (Antony & Cleopatra)
O tigers heart wrapped in a woman's hide (Henry VI Part 3)
O you beast, o faithless coward, o dishonest wretch. Wilt thou be made a man out of my vice (Measure for Measure)
O you hard hearts, you cruel men (Julius Caesar)
O, ho, monster (The Tempest)
O, were mine eye bans into bullets turned, that in a rage I might shoot them at your faces (Henry VI Part 1)
Observe him, for the love of mockery (Twelfth Night)
Oh, these deliberate fools (The Merchant of Venice)
On my knee I give heaven thanks that I am not like to thee (King John)
Out of my door, you witch, you hag, you baggage, you polecat, you ronyon (The Merry Wives of Windsor)
Out of my sight, thou dost infect mine eyes (Richard III)
Out, dunghill (King John)
Out, you mad headed ape. A weasel hath not such a deal of spleen as you are tossed with (Henry IV Part 1)

Obscure And Lowly Swain
Obstinate Heretic
Odd Worm
Of Intolerable Entrails
Old Crab-Tree
Old Cuckold With Horns On His Head
Old Dog
Old Feeble Carrion
Old Goat
Old Love-Monger
Old Pantaloon
Old Ruffian
Old Sheep- Whistling Rogue
Old Trot
Old White- Bearded Satan
One Besotted On Sweet Delights
One Deformed
One Full Of Bread And Sloth
One Full Of Spleen
One Half- Lunatic
One Light Of Brain
One Not Worth Gooseberry
One O' Th' False Ones
One Opposite To Humanity
Our Rarer Monsters
Out-Dared Dastard
Outward-Sainted Deputy
Overwheening Rag
Overwheening Traitor

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